Polona Kisovec
Teen & Young Adult, Children's, Advice & How To, Parenting
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May 2023
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Polona Kisovec likes to create stories and write about things we all think about but find difficult to discuss. She is a marketing expert who heads her marketing agency called 121 Marketing d.o.o., based in Ljubljana, Slovenia. She is a writer, author, content strategist, employer branding strategist, sales and marketing coach and mentor. Polona is a mother of two daughters. Following her divorce, her eagerness to help others and her passion for story-telling prompted her to publish her first best-seller book "Shine:Why Don’t Moon Fairy and Sun Prince Live Together?". With her new book "Switch off Happiness.Turn on Life!" Polona wants to help girls and single women, no matter their situation, to stay true to themselves and live genuine life even without a partner and without "likes" on social media.